Friday, February 25, 2011

my favorite coffee cup

©2011, Monika Roe

Today it's rainy, cold and miserable outside but all of that goes away when I get out my favorite coffee cup to enjoy my morning coffee! It's my second handmade mug by Reedley Clayworks. I was so mad at myself when I dropped the first one and the handle came off (now I use that one for cleaning my paint brushes.) The shape of this mug fits into my hand just so and I love the explosion of different colored earthy glazes decorating the outside.

Also shown in this illo is the trivet my friend Jud gave me over 12 years ago! No matter where I have moved, this trivet has always been on my desk. It's a Frigidaire promotional give-away from the '50s and I love it!

This illo was done completely in Illustrator CS5 by layering brushstrokes, playing with transparent layers and good old fashioned drawn vector graphics.


  1. I love it , it looks realistic! I look forward to learning illustrator in my course.

  2. what???!!!! all illustrator? me + my illustrator don't know how you do it!! fab. you really are my hero ; )
